Jargon Buster!
Here are some words that we use in Cursillo together with their meanings: (Sombrero not required, although it may help!)
Cursillos: (pronounced ‘Cur – see – oss’)
Means a short course (in English Cursillo pronounced ‘Cur – see – oh’)
Cursillos de Cristiandad:
A short course in Christian living.
Cursillista: (pronounced ‘Cur – see – ista’)
One who has attended a Cursillo weekend (has ‘made their Cursillo’).
Pilgrim Partner:
An existing Cursillista – usually (but not always) from within your own Parish – who having introduced the idea of taking part in a Cursillo weekend to you, would pray for you throughout the whole process, and offer as much or as little information – to suit you – as you prepare for the weekend, and beyond.
Made your Cursillo:
Just an easier way of saying that you have taken part in a Cursillo weekend!
Rollo (pronounced ‘Royo’)
Literally means “a long boring talk”. It is used in Cursillo to refer to the talks given by both the Laity and the Clergy.
Rollista: (pronounced ‘Roy – ista’)
The person giving the Rollo.
Means a group of 10. In Cursillo it refers to the groups (on separate tables) in which we work throughout the three days.
Literal translation “a Lever”. It is used in Cursillo to mean an outward expression through prayer, sacrifice or a gift through which we convey Christian love.
Clausura: (pronounced ‘Clow – soo – ra’)
A closing ceremony and in Cursillo refers to the final Eucharist we celebrate together at every Cursillo weekend.
De Colores:
Simply means “the colours”. It is a traditional Spanish folk song, which some of the young men began singing when their bus broke down on the way home from one of the earliest pilgrimages to Compostela, a song which remains with the Cursillo community to this day!
This is a medieval Spanish word which is associated with pilgrimages made (on foot) to the shrine of St. James at Compostela in Spain. It was a word of encouragement which one group, or pilgrims would call to another. It conveys the meaning of “perseverance” or “press on to the end”. In Cursillo we also use it as the name of the larger gatherings of Cursillistas in the diocese – or the coming together of several Group Reunions.
Group Reunion:
An opportunity for Cursillistas to meet together in small informal groups of 3 or 4, perhaps once a week, fortnight or monthly. To share our Christian journey of life, our apostolic successes and opportunities.
Fourth Day:
The rest of your life!