Group Reunion
After completing the 3 days of a Cursillo weekend, we return home to our everyday lives, we call this the ‘Fourth Day’ which refers to the rest of our lives! But unlike so many other courses you will be returning not just to your church family community – but within that – you will join a local Cursillo support group… this really is ‘Thinking globally & acting locally’ as you get together with other Cursillista’s once a fortnight or perhaps monthly for ‘Group Reunion’ over a cup of tea and a biscuit, usually for no more than an hour to pray, share and listen to one another’s apostolic successes and opportunities. This is a wonderful way and a great privilege to spend time together.
If you would like to ‘dip your toes’ into a little of what Cursillo is… you are very welcome to join a ‘Group Reunion’ in your area. There’s nothing to prepare, simply come as you are.
If you would like to find out where & when the nearest Group Reunion happens in your area, please get in touch by clicking here and select Fourth Day Rep and ask who the local contact is (Area Rep)… ALL are welcome!