How do I get started?
So, let’s say that somebody has mentioned the Cursillo Discipleship Course to you, or perhaps you have seen a leaflet or an advertisement for an upcoming weekend. Let’s say you are interested, and you’d like to know more… What next?
You have already found the Cursillo in the Diocese of Chichester web site and this is a good place to discover a little more about what Cursillo is.
Making your Cursillo (by that we mean taking part in a Cursillo 3 day residential weekend) is a wonderful way to discover afresh what God may be calling you to next in your life, so we recommend that you talk to your Parish Priest, or perhaps someone in your church who is already part of the Cursillo community (a Cursillista), this is not just to seek their advice but also may help you discern that you are ready to take this exciting step.
We do nothing in Cursillo unless it is offered up and surrounded with prayer. This is one reason why you will need a Pilgrim Partner. A Pilgrim Partner is somebody who is already a Cursillista and who will be praying for you from the moment you first begin this process, they are also the person who will tell you as much or as little about the weekend as you would like to know. They will also help you with your booking form, and answer any questions that you may have before the weekend begins. And, although they will not accompany you, they will continue to pray for you throughout your time with us at Wychcroft (A Retreat House in Bletchingley).
If you don’t know someone who has made their Cursillo, no problem, just get in touch by clicking here and we’ll find a Pilgrim Partner for you!
After sending us your booking form and deposit, the leader for the weekend (known as the Lay Rector) will send you all the information that you will need to ensure that your Cursillo weekend runs smoothly, allowing you to ‘Let go and Let God’.
Of course if you have any questions before any of this, you can always go to the ‘Contact us’ page here on the web site by choosing one of the contacts from the Recipients menu, we’d love to hear from you and look forward to the opportunity to help. Or you prefer, simply download the Booking Form and book yourself in via the Contact us page or your local Cursillo representative.