Booking Form

If you would like to book yourself onto a Cursillo Weekend, then please CLICK HERE to download a booking form in the PDF format which you can fill in by hand.

Or, if you would prefer us to send you a paper Booking Form then please CLICK HERE and select Booking Rep from the Recipients menu, and send your request message to us with your name and postal address and we’ll get a form in the post to you.

Or, if you prefer, we can send you a form in the Microsoft WORD format, which you can fill in electronically, please CLICK HERE and contact the Booking Rep and they will send you a WORD version by email. The WORD format uses a macro which is quite safe… simply follow the instruction below. Or if you prefer, download the PDF version and print it so you can fill it in by hand.

When you have completed the form please contact us either:

  • By a message via our Contact us page selecting Booking Rep from the Recipients menu.
  • You can send your form to our Booking Rep as an attachment, or ask for someone to contact you locally to collect your form, and send it in for you.
  • Please check your Spam Folder in case our email reply was not recognised by your email security, we will never send you any links via email,  so, as with all emails received in the Spam Folder, never click on a link or reply before you are sure the sender is authentic.
  • Or if you already have contact with a Cursillista, please either email them or hand your form to them.

Don’t worry if you don’t already know someone in Cursillo, we’re just really happy that you’ve made contact, and we look forward to meeting and getting to know you as you continue your journey with Christ.

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