What the Bishops say

Archbishop-of-Canterbury-250x300Archbishop of Canterbury The Most Rev’d Justin Welby:

“Through Cursillo the love of God is experienced afresh, an experience which draws us into prayer and compassionate action. Because of this, Cursillo is a much needed instrument for the renewal of the life of the Church today, and one for which I give thanks”

Bishop-of-Chichester-Dr-Martin-WarnerBishop of Chichester The Right Rev’d Dr Martin Warner:

“Many people have discovered that Cursillo opens their faith in God and their living relationship with Jesus Christ. Finding God in all things by living out the values of the gospel is what makes us authentic advertisements for Christianity today. I commend these goals to all who are engaging with Cursillo as a means to achieve them”

BishopLewes_33JH_jpg_70x70 The Right Rev’d Richard Jackson (former Bishop of Lewes) :

“My hope is that you understand what Cursillo can offer in strengthening the relationship between Lay and Clergy ministries in both rural and urban parishes. This year, each Diocesan Parish has been encouraged to be in a prayerful dialogue so as to consider how we effectively “Know, Love and Follow Jesus” within our communities. To this end, I hope you will find that the Ministry in the community you serve, can be enhanced by allowing the Cursillo approach to weave its way through it”

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