Cursillo in the Parish?
Even though the activity and implementation of the Diocesan Strategy of 2015 has run its course, our desire within Diocesan Cursillo to support the many initiatives and opportunities for renewal and discipleship continue to go from strength to strength. Immediately, our hope is to be able to demonstrate how Cursillo can be one way to enliven discipleship and engage your church families in apostolic action as well as sharing the whole outreach of the parish in a renewed and positive way.
There is a Jewish legend that tells that when Moses threw his staff into the Red Sea, the sea quite contrary to the expected miracle, did not divide itself to leave a dry passage for the Israelites. Not until the first Israelite stepped forward into the sea, in trust, did the promised miracle happen and the waves recede.
That step of faith is so important in our Christian journey and it is one that is crucial in our parishes which transforms a holy club into a faith community. We have shared with you some of the aspects of a Cursillo Weekend which many have found to be a springboard to a fresh and renewed view of our life together, the shaping of apostles ready to be sent out to further the Kingdom. That may sound all very grand but the experience of a weekend usually makes those who take part more willing – and able – to be active members of the church community. The heart of Cursillo is clergy and laity working together.
Chichester Cursillo has a number of clergy actively involved as Cursillista’s… but we long to welcome more, is that you? If you would like to know more, why not get in touch by clicking here and choosing Spiritual Director from the Recipients menu.
Otherwise… please continue to read on…