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Ultreya! Cuckfield

Holy Trinity Cuckfield Church Street, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath, Mid Sussex, United Kingdom

It's time to dust off your 'dangleys', don your bright colours and head on over to Cuckfield for this next Ultreya gathering! It's a BYO... so don't forget to bring your own lunch with you. Poster to follow...

Ferring CAMINO

St Andrew's Church Church Lane, Ferring, West Sussex, United Kingdom

AGM & Ultreya! Findon Valley

All Saints Church, Findon Valley Cissbury Drive, Findon Valley, United Kingdom

It's time to take a look at the year we've had... looking forward in anticipation to the year ahead. So, dust off your 'dangleys', don your bright colours and head on over to Cuckfield for this next Ultreya gathering. Don't...
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Cursillo Weekend Chichester #35

Wychcroft Retreat House Bletchingley, Redhill

The next Cursillo Weekend (#35) for Chichester is coming up, (DATE NOW CONFIRMED) so if you are ready, get in touch with a Cursillista in your church, or book yourself in! If you would like more information then click here,...
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Wychcroft Retreat House Bletchingley, Redhill

This is a celebration not to be missed! Cursillo in Chichester will have been helping Pilgrims across the diocese to delve deeper and explore what the Holy Spirit has in store for them for 25 years! More information to follow...

Ultreya! Pagham

St Thomas A'Becket Pagham Church Lane, Pagham, West Sussex, United Kingdom

It's time to dust off your 'dangleys', don your bright colours and head on over to Cuckfield for this next Ultreya gathering! It's a BYO... so don't forget to bring your own lunch with you. Poster to follow...

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